Dont know if anyone reads my post, but gonna update blog anyway. Like a boss.
I was in my first wreck last week, which was pretty fucked up. Both cars were totalled and it turned out you cant have four other passengers with you if your under 18. And dammit, I only had four more months. So no DnD for me for a while.
Keep a look out for the MWC results on the forum, and wish us luck. Especially yours truly.
Every know and then I take a break from my novel projects and return to my poetic roots. So heres a poem I made yesterday. LikeIt/HateIt/LoveIt/ReviewIt or all of the above.
Tempting Fates:
From the secrete illuminati and the ignorant youth,
To the worlds horrible parenting, which I use as proof,
That creates an all mighty illiterate flood
Which turns the children into a raging brood.
From the gods playing martyr to junkie subjects
Who are once again getting ready to inject
Themselves with another dose of daily life.
How it dulls the passion and lessens the strife.
If decay is measured by every lie told,
And if damnation is determined by every virtue sold,
Then self-sacrifice will bring us that closer to hell
As pretenders pollute the air with every promise they tell.
Shit would of been a crazy situation, also nice poem.