I never blog much, because I feel when I do blog about my work, I fuck it up completely. (My work, not the blog.) Anyway, work on Lonely Ramets will be slowed down temporarily till after Christmas. I have been working on it more so lately than I ever thought I would, so there are completed parts that I might upload in the next month are so. (Just to keep the story alive). I'm fighting many things right now, from extreme schoolwork to keeping myself and my mother from going homeless.
So I want to thank anyone who follows me or reads my work. My work gets very little attention, but it warms my deeply when someone comments on my work. Even if it is to say the story is shit. I will do my best to be more active and to post entertaining content. Here in the next year are so, I am planning on revamping my Newgrounds account to something more than just writing. But that is just wishful thinking and secret plans for now.
Also, possible poem upload soon. Been a while since I've done that.
Stay beautiful, people.
My uploads: http://theinnerscience.newgrounds.com/news/post/857803
What sort of writers and stories stick out in your mind? Any favorites or influences?
Aesops fables, the outsider by Lovecraft, and Alice in Wonderland are stories that will always be close to my heart.
As for writers, my top two favorites are by far Arthur Canon Doyle, and Lewis Carrol.